Hi, I'm Michelle! A Mechanical Engineer turned UI Designer.

I’m passionate about creating meaningful experiences for users and helping others bring their ideas to life.
Check out my work below!


Recent Projects

Project: Brighter Days Image

Brighter Days

An online store that offers motivational merchandise to any customer that needs a boost. The objective is to provide a simple and modern design compared to the complex navigation of traditional online stores.

Role: UI Designer, User Researcher

Skills and Tools: Mobile-first Approach, Responsive Website UI Design, Balsamiq, Preely, Adobe XD

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Project: AutoMedic Image


AutoMedic is a car maintenance app that empowers users with knowledge and resources to navigate their automotive issues. Both the iOS and Android versions are designed to create a cohesive brand across both platforms.

Role: UI Designer, User Researcher

Skills and Tools: Native App UI Design for iOS and Android, Balsamiq, Figma

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Project: QuickFix Image


A responsive web app that provides a database of healthy and quick dinner and dessert recipes. The app caters to the busy home cook that may not have enough time to plan and prepare a meal.

Role: UX/UI Designer

Skills and Tools: UX/UI Design, Mobile-first Approach, Responsive Web App, InVision, Figma

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Project: PrioriTime Image


A productivity app aimed to help users prioritize their tasks and accomplish their goals in a timely manner.

Role: UI Designer

Skills and Tools: UI Design, Adobe XD

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